Custom Record Player Cabinet
Taking a free dresser cabinet I found on Facebook Marketplace and with the help of my Dad, I converted it to have a built in record player. We removed the top drawer of the cabinet and cut through the top to open. I purchased this record player off Amazon because it included speakers and was a perfect rectangle with only top IO. The replaced top drawer is made with this speaker mesh and just scrap wood for the frame. We made a removable platform for the record player so if it ever needs maintenance it is easily accessible.

Using the Deej GitHub project, I put together my own Deej with custom 3d printed enclosure. This is my first time ever working with soldering and working with wires. A Pro Micro ATmega32U4 is connected to a generic bread board and connected to 5 10k Slide Potentiometers. I created the enclosure myself using Blender and a link to the .obj file can be found here. My 3d printer was acting up when printing the lid however a plan on printing a cleaner version soon.
Homemade Mead!
Using the “Jigger N’ Dash Mead Making Kit” from Amazon and the “Crockett Honey Raw and Unfiltered Arizona Desert Wildflower Honey” I created my own line of mead. Did I do it totally right? No. Does it taste good? I think so. This was my first batch I have ever done and I have learned a lot from the process. Vrede ( Pronounced “vre da”) is the Dutch word for Peace, pulling from my Dutch heritage and the peaceful process of mead making. I plan on making more in the future to try and perfect the process and try out different flavors. Desert Wildflower will not be the last mead for Vrede.
NEW! You can follow all my mead updates here!

3D Printed Storm Trooper Helmet
If you don’t look too closely it looks pretty cool. This is my first custom printed helmet. It came out to 18 different pieces that I printed, glued, sanded, sanded, and sanded, then finished off with some paint. It turned out well for my first try and I learned a lot from the process to hopefully make my next project even better! Credit to the original file creator here.

Custom Macro Keycaps
Four custom key caps I made in Blender for my Macro Keys on my keyboard. GG EZ, Troll Face, Record, and Mute Mic keys. Download for free here.

Lego Star Destroyer Time Lapse
A time lapse of me building the giant Lego Star Destroyer. First time lapse of this kind so it’s not as good quality as I would like but I hope to improve the quality in the future.